How to use firestick mouse toggle
How to use firestick mouse toggle

how to use firestick mouse toggle

How To Install Mouse Toggle on Fire Stick Quick Steps Guide Mouse Toggle app provides a free mouse cursor onscreen you can control using the 5-button D-pad (ring and selection buttons) on your Fire Stick or Fire TV remote. The You can install Mouse Toggle APK on Firestick, Fire TV, and Cube to solve this need without purchasing an expensive wireless mouse. Some things on the screen are often not selectable with the standard Firestick remote control. You may have found that a mouse would really come in handy when using some streaming apps such as Show Box HD or Popcorn Time with your Amazon Fire Stick remote.

how to use firestick mouse toggle

Mouse Toggle APK is an Android app that allows a Firestick remote control to be used as a free wireless mouse cursor for your Amazon Firestick, Fire TV, Fire TV Cube, or Fire TV Edition 4K television.

How to use firestick mouse toggle