If you don’t like carrying a lot of cash around, or prefer the simplicity or carrying one card for all of your expenses, a credit card is a convenient option. One of the credit cards I use even offers free primary rental car coverage - meaning that if I got into an accident while under a rental agreement, I wouldn’t even have to go through my own car insurance policy.Īnother reason to use credit cards: simplicity and safety.

As I wrote a few weeks ago, some credit cards offer free travel insurance that can cover mishaps like trip cancellations or trip interruption.
Meanwhile, free extended warranties can reimburse you when something you bought breaks outside of the manufacturer warranty period.Īnd it’s always a good idea to use credit when booking a hotel room or paying for rental cars. These rewards cards also come with several free perks - fraud protection, for example, can cover you if you’re overcharged for an item or someone steals your account number. Simply put, the more regular spending you can put on cards - that is, payments and purchases you’d be making anyway - the easier it is to rack up airline miles, hotel loyalty points, and cash back.

The obvious reason I use credit cards for all of my bills and spending is to optimize the amount of rewards I earn.